Envy is a dark, leafy green
It tastes bitter like unripe fruit
and smells sharp and penetrating
Envy looks like a thick, creeping mist
sounds like a tyre hissing air
Envy feels dissolving
An artist is a deep cherry red
the springtime
a paint spattered studio
the sun peeking out from behind the clouds
An artist is a paint spattered t shirt
a battered wooden stool
"The secret Garden"
An artist is a hot buttered croissant
Ice cream
Scooping, eating, licking out the bowl
A creamy frosty treat
Heaven in Summer
A crowded school bus
The pushing and shoving kids
trying to get in
"Hey please save a spot for me!"
We're busting out of our school
Harry Potter
Harry is a clear gold, like felix felicis
He is Autumn, as leaves fall through the sky
Harry Potter is Diagon Alley, a complicated maze of magic
He is a wooden shelf with many levels
"Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix"
Sweet butterbeer from the three broomsticks